Notes for a debate on information literacy and personality traits


  • Gabriel Navarro El profesional de la información



Information literacy, Personality traits, Psychology, Digital skills, Emotional dimension, ICT, Social networks.


Among the competence dimensions involved in digital literacy, the emotional dimension has to do with learning to control negative emotions, developing empathy and building a digital identity characterized by affective-personal balance in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). We know that, depending on their personality traits, individuals act differently when faced with information behaviours. The question raised is to what extent the psychological characteristics of the recipients are included in a specific strategy of information literacy, considering that intrinsic motivation and attitude of the participants constitute an essential aspect of these learning processes. Studies on personality traits and informational behaviour, such as that carried out by Heinstrí¶m, guide us in this regard. The proposal to include simple, brief personality tests, using ICT applications or social networks, would allow us to know beforehand the personality traits of participants in an information literacy program, adapt it to their characteristics, and improve its effectiveness.



How to Cite

Navarro, G. (2015). Notes for a debate on information literacy and personality traits. Anuario ThinkEPI, 9, 025–029.



A. Formación y Profesión