2018-2019, Bibframe en producción




Palabras clave:

Catalogación, Bibframe, MARC21, RDA, Modelos de datos bibliográficos


Se describen los principales avances del proyecto Bibframe a lo largo de los años 2018 y 2019, con especial referencia a todas las actividades que son muestra de sistemas en producción. Se revisa el estado del modelo de datos y los principales proyectos internacionales relacionados con la conversión desde registros MARC; con la catalogación directa sobre Bibframe, institucional y multinstitucional; las relaciones entre Bibframe y RDA; y la retroalimentación del modelo a partir de los análisis de resultados.


Agenjo, Xavier (2014). "¿Se inicia la transición?: Adiós a Marbi, bienvenido MAC". Anuario ThinkEPI, v, 8, pp. 164-169. https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/ThinkEPI/article/view/29572

Agenjo-Bullón, Xavier; Hernández-Carrascal, Francisca (2018). "Registros de autoridades, enriquecimiento semántico y Wikidata". Anuario ThinkEPI, v. 12, pp. 361-372. https://doi.org/10.3145/thinkepi.2018.61

Agenjo-Bullón, Xavier; Hernández-Carrascal, Francisca (2019a). "Agregación de datos bibliográficos por medio de servicios Sparql". Anuario ThinkEPI, v. 13, e13f02. https://doi.org/10.3145/thinkepi.2019.e13f02

Agenjo-Bullón, Xavier; Hernández-Carrascal, Francisca (2019b). "Henriette Avram (1919-2006): el formato MARC y su repercusión en España". Anuario ThinkEPI 13, e13con01. https://doi.org/10.3145/thinkepi.2019.e13con01

Agenjo-Bullón, Xavier; Hernández-Carrascal, Francisca (2020). "Wikipedia, Wikidata y Mix´n´match". Anuario ThinkEPI, v. 14, e14f01. https://doi.org/10.3145/thinkepi.2020.e14f01

Baker, Thomas; Bermí¨s, Emmanuelle; Coyle, Karen; Dunsire, Gordon; Isaac, Antoine; Murray, Peter; Panzer, Michael; Schneider, Jodi; Singer, Ross; Summers, Ed; Waites, William; Young, Jeff; Zeng, Marcia (2011). Informe final del Grupo Incubador de Datos Vinculados de Bibliotecas. W3C. http://www.larramendi.es/LAM/Incubator/lld/XGR-lld-20111025.html

Baxmeyer, Jennifer (2020). "PCC roles and files". En: Bibframe Update Forum at the ALA Midwinter Meeting 2020. https://www.loc.gov/bibframe/news/source/alamw2020-baxmeyer.pptx

Bigelow, Ian (2019). "Opus ex machina: Modelling superWork, work, and instance entities in Bibframe". En: Bibframe Workshop in Europe 2019. https://www.kb.se/download/18.d0e4d5b16cd18f600eacb/1569309579935/Opus%20Ex%20Machina%20-%20Present.pdf

Ford, Kevin (2019a). "System adjustments". En: Bibframe Update Forum at ALA Midwinter Meeting 2019. https://www.loc.gov/bibframe/news/source/alamw2019-lc-ford.pptx

Ford, Kevin (2019b). "Identities for hubs, providers, and other things". En: 3rd Annu­al Bibframe Workshop in Europe 2019. https://www.kb.se/download/18.d0e4d5b16cd18f600eaea/1569322333140/2019-kefo-identity.pdf

Ford, Kevin (2019c). "Hubs and managing relationships". En: 3rd Annu­al Bibframe Workshop in Europe 2019. https://www.kb.se/download/18.d0e4d5b16cd18f600eafb/1569324367132/2019-kefo-relationships.pdf

Futornick, Michelle (2018). "Achievements of 2016/2018 LD4P Project". En: Bibframe Update Forum at ALA Midwinter Meeting 2018. https://www.loc.gov/bibframe/news/pdf/ld4p-alamw2018.pdf

Godby, Jean; Smith-Yoshimura, Karen; Washburn, Bruce; Davis, Kalan K.; Detling, Karen; Eslao, Christine F.; Folsom, Steven; Li, Xiaoli; McGee, Marc; Miller, Karen; Moody, Honor; Thomas, Craig; Tomren, Holly (2019). Creating library linked data with Wikibase: lessons learned from Project Passage. Dublin, OH: OCLC Research. https://doi.org/10.25333/faq3-ax08

Library of Congress (2019). Bibframe manual. The Bibframe Editor and Bibframe Database. Library of Congress. Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division. https://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/bibframe/BIBFRAME-Manual-Final-2019-07-12.pdf

Lorimer, Nancy (2019). "RDA Works in Bibframe and Sinopia". En: Bibframe Workshop in Europe 2019. https://www.kb.se/download/18.d0e4d5b16cd18f600eac7/1569246613471/BF%20RDA%20Works.pdf

McCallum, Sally H. (2017). "Bibframe development". JLIS.it, v. 8, n.3. https://doi.org/10.4403/jlis.it-12415

McCallum, Sally H. (2018a). "Bibframe Pilot 2". En: Bibframe Update Forum at ALA Midwinter Meeting 2018. https://www.loc.gov/bibframe/news/pdf/bibframe-update-alamw2018.pdf

McCallum, Sally H. (2018b). "MARC to Bibframe - reconciliation, merge, and match". En: European Bibframe Workshop 2018. http://www.casalini.it/ebw2018/

McCallum, Sally H. (2019). "Bibframe to MARC". En: Bibframe Update Forum at ALA Midwinter Meeting 2019. https://www.loc.gov/bibframe/news/source/alamw2019-lc-mccallum.pptx

McCallum, Sally H. (2020). "Introduction and Library of Congress 2020 goals". En: Bibframe Update Forum at the ALA Midwinter Meeting 2020. https://www.loc.gov/bibframe/news/source/alamw2020-lc-goals.pptx

McCallum, Sally H.; Williamschen, Jodi (2018). "Aspects of Bibframe Development. Library of Congress Pilot 2, catalogers, editors, maintenance, extensions, bookkeeping". En: European BIBFRAME Workshop 2018. https://www.casalini.it/EBW2018/web_content/2018/presentations/McCallum_3.pdf

McCallum, Sally H.; Williamschen, Jodi (2019). "RDA and Bibframe at the Library of Congress". En: Bibframe Workshop in Europe 2019. https://www.kb.se/download/18.d0e4d5b16cd18f600eac6/1569246418227/LC_EUBF2019-RDA+BF.pdf

Nelson, Jeremy (2018). "Using Bibframe in multi-institutional projects". En: ALA 2018. https://www.loc.gov/bibframe/news/pdf/plainstopeaks-alaal2018.pdf

Pace, Andrew K. (2018). "Linked data in libraries: From disillusionment to productivity". Next, 08 November. http://www.oclc.org/blog/main/linked-data-in-libraries-from-disillusionment-to-productivity

Possemato, Tiziana (2018). "From MARC to Bibframe in the SHARE-VDE project". En: Bibframe Update Forum at the ALA Annual Conference 2018. https://www.loc.gov/bibframe/news/pdf/share-vde-alaal2018.pdf

Possemato, Tiziana (2019). "Possible extensions of Bibframe in modelling data". En: Bibframe Workshop in Europe 2019. https://www.kb.se/download/18.d0e4d5b16cd18f600eaaf/1569238568057/Extensions%20TizianaP.pdf

Schreur, Philip (2019). "New Linked Data for Production Project (LD4P2)". En: Bibframe Update Forum at ALA Midwinter Meeting 2019. https://www.loc.gov/bibframe/news/source/alamw2019-ld4p-update-schreur.pptx

Sfakakis, Michalis (2019). "Challenges on transforming data in RDA vocabulary to Bibframe". En: Bibframe Workshop in Europe 2019. https://www.kb.se/download/18.d0e4d5b16cd18f600eacf/1569310270123/Sfakakis_EU_BIBFRAME2019.pdf

Smith-Yoshimura, Karen (2018). "Analysis of 2018 International Linked Data Survey for Implementers". Code4Lib journal, n. 42, pp. 141-167. https://journal.code4lib.org/articles/13867

Vila-Suero, Daniel (ed.). Grupo Incubador de Datos Vinculados de Bibliotecas: Casos de uso. http://www.larramendi.es/LAM/Incubator/lld/XGR-lld-usecase-20111025.html




Cómo citar

Agenjo-Bullón, X., & Hernández-Carrascal, F. (2020). 2018-2019, Bibframe en producción. Anuario ThinkEPI, 14. https://doi.org/10.3145/thinkepi.2020.e14f03



F. Tecnologí­as de información: normativa y gestión de información