Hidden under data: Evolution of academic social networks





Webometrics, Academic social networks, Mendeley, Academia.edu, ResearchGate.


The evolution of the top academic social networks: Mendeley, Academia.edu, and ResearchGate is analyzed. This study tests the current health of these platforms and determines which growth stage they are in by tracking the annual number of new members and documents. In addition, the degree of transparency of these sites is discussed in relation to publicly available information about their services. The results show these platforms are reaching a change in cycle, where the increase rates are slowing down, decreasing the aggregation rate of documents and users.


Academia.edu (2017). About. https://www.academia.edu/about

Elsevier (2017). Mendeley manual for librarians. https://goo.gl/ab8xTf

Elsevier (2014). Social media guide for Mendeley. https://goo.gl/hNc9kg

Harington, Robert (2017). "ResearchGate: Publishers take formal steps to force copyright compliance". The scholarly kitchen, October 6. https://goo.gl/6Gfrp9

Ortega-Priego, José-Luis (2016). Social network sites for scientists: a quantitative survey. Chandos Publishing. ISBN: 978 0081005927

ResearchGate (2017). About us. https://goo.gl/3D7t1Q

ResearchGate (2016). ResearchGate. https://goo.gl/jCREBQ

ResearchGate (2015). ResearchGate. https://goo.gl/NFb5fm

Simba Information (2016). "Elsevier doubles down on Mendeley strategy with SSRN acquisition". Cision PR Newswire. https://goo.gl/P4M5Bc

Wagman, Shawna (2016). "Some academics remain skeptical of Academia.edu". University Affairs/Affaires universitaires, April 12. https://goo.gl/U7Jw8a



How to Cite

Ortega-Priego, J.-L. (2018). Hidden under data: Evolution of academic social networks. Anuario ThinkEPI, 12, 254–257. https://doi.org/10.3145/thinkepi.2018.38



E. Comunicación cientí­fica, edición y fuentes de información