The history of the #hashtag
Hashtags, Twitter, Social media, Symbols, Conversations, Communities, Tags, Tagging, Information retrieval.Abstract
The hashtag, a phrase that is highlighted by preceding it with a hash symbol (#), is already 6 years old. People use it on a massive scale in social media, with two objectives: to tag (or label) conversations and content, and to identify communities. It can be used also as a rhetorical element in activism, marketing, or just for amusement. Recent research highlights its value as a predictive system and for engaging the TV audience using Twitter. Some national and academic libraries are storing and preserving hashtags for future research.Downloads
How to Cite
González-Fernández-Villavicencio, N. (2014). The history of the #hashtag. Anuario ThinkEPI, 8, 326–330. Retrieved from
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