Demonstrating the value of libraries in the Social Web
KPI, Key performance indicators, Social media marketing, Metrics, Social web, Libraries, ROI.Abstract
Libraries have for years been using social media to offer their services and collections, and receiving a number of benefits that must be quantified. In times of economic crisis it is essential to show evidence of success resulting from the resources invested. To measure and evaluate those results, libraries should have a marketing plan for social media, in which measurable and achievable objectives are defined, target populations and the social media to be used are established, an action plan is elaborated, and indicators -both quantitative and qualitative- are defined, thus demonstrating whether the objectives have been achieved and the return on investment (ROI).
How to Cite
González-Fernández-Villavicencio, N. (2013). Demonstrating the value of libraries in the Social Web. Anuario ThinkEPI, 7, 44–47. Retrieved from
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