"Digital citizenship spaces" in public libraries: a proposal for their inclusion within the framework of the National plan for digital competences





The aim of this paper is to describe a feasible way of implementing training and guidance services for empowering learning of digital competences using Spanish public libraries, in accordance with the objectives of the national plan for digital competences. To do so, we outline how new library spaces, which we call "digital citizenship spaces," may be configured and equipped, starting with the expansion of facilities or the renovation of existing ones thanks to the funds provided by the plan. Moreover, we present an initial formulation of the actions and services that would be performed in those spaces, the expected facilities, the material and human resources needed, and the training and support model which should sustain them. We advocate for an integrated model which, from the point of view of complementarity, is: (a) contextualized, aimed at the real needs in the everyday lives of the different target groups, (b) inclusive, paying special attention to the particular needs of groups at risk of digital exclusion, (c) participatory, being developed collaboratively with the recipients, the different government and public administration agents, the private education and technology sectors, the third sector that supports vulnerable groups, and professional associations from the field of documentation and information, and (d) aimed at lifelong learning and the creation of opportunities for social innovation, and artistic and cultural creation in the digital context. The target is to contribute to the development of full digital citizenship, considering the public library as the perfect stage for this.


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How to Cite

Vera-Baceta, M.- Ángel, & Gómez-Hernández, J.-A. (2021). "Digital citizenship spaces" in public libraries: a proposal for their inclusion within the framework of the National plan for digital competences. Anuario ThinkEPI, 15. https://doi.org/10.3145/thinkepi.2021.e15b02



B. Bibliotecas: polí­ticas y servicios bibliotecarios