Wikidata as a tool to create ontologies and controlled vocabularies




The possibilities that Wikidata offers for the creation of ontologies and controlled vocabularies for specific knowledge domains are presented. The first step consists of exploring the properties of Wikidata items that are used to define their membership to a knowledge domain. It then becomes possible to retrieve the structure of the classes and superclasses to which the domain items belong. Finally, all the Wikidata properties used to describe the items are retrieved. This work considers a new paradigm for the processes used to create and manage controlled vocabularies, since a high degree of integration of these instruments is currently required for the management of data and digital content, which implies the application of controlled vocabularies in logical data analysis processes. For this reason, a more dynamic approach is required, being closer to the design of ontologies than to the creation of traditional documentary languages.


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How to Cite

Pastor-Sánchez, J.-A. (2021). Wikidata as a tool to create ontologies and controlled vocabularies. Anuario ThinkEPI, 15.



F. Tecnologí­as de información: normativa y gestión de información