What´s new in the ISO 2789:2022 standard on international library statistics


  • Natalia Arroyo-Vázquez Universidad de León




Library statistics, Standards, ISO 2789, University libraries, Public libraries, National libraries, Special libraries, Research support, Open access repositories, Institutional repositories, Digital resources, Digital services, Digital usage, Library users, Preservation and conservation, Web archive


In September 2022, the sixth edition of the ISO 2789. Information and documentation. International library statistics standard was published, replacing ISO 2789:2013. This text analyzes the novelties introduced in this new version, which principally have to do with digital resources and services and with the incorporation of data on research support, as well as other aspects. The standard maintains practically the same structure as the previous edition, although the incorporation of an annex regarding the measurement of digital uses is emphasized. Numerous definitions reflecting the new reality of libraries are also added.


Aenor (2014). UNE-ISO 2789. Información y documentación. Estadí­sticas internacionales de bibliotecas. Madrid: Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación.

Albelda-Esteban, Beatriz (2014). "Normalización en la recogida de datos estadí­sticos: la Norma ISO 2789 de estadí­sticas internacionales para bibliotecas". En: De-la-Mano-González, Marta (coord.). Nuevos instrumentos para la evaluación de bibliotecas: la normativa internacional ISO. Madrid: AENOR, pp. 27-54. ISBN: 978 84 8143 846 8

ISO (2022). ISO 2789:2022. Information and documentation. International library statistics. Vernier: International Organization for Standardization. https://www.iso.org/standard/78525.html



How to Cite

Arroyo-Vázquez, N. (2023). What´s new in the ISO 2789:2022 standard on international library statistics. Anuario ThinkEPI, 17. https://doi.org/10.3145/thinkepi.2023.e17a07



Normalización en el tratamiento y gestión de información