Journalists’ Training in the age of Artificial Intelligence: Approaches from the epistemology of communication




Artificial intelligence, Teaching-learning, Journalism, Competences, Epistemology, University


The automatization of newsrooms and the use of generative artificial intelligence in media companies have contributed to the theoretical, ethical and practical debates in the field of journalism. Given the evidence that artificial intelligence brings with it opportunities, but also challenges for the practice of social communication and its teaching-learning, questions arise about its impact at the epistemological level and on skills that are not only nuclear, but also of a socio-technological and transversal nature linked to informative activity. In this context, this article reflects on the main conditioning factors of the incorporation of artificial intelligence in current communication curricula, based on a vindication of the value of this technology to develop journalism as a profession at the service of society, beyond its intrinsic usefulness in optimising the processes of news production.


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How to Cite

Larrondo-Ureta, A., & Peña-Fernández, S. (2024). Journalists’ Training in the age of Artificial Intelligence: Approaches from the epistemology of communication. Anuario ThinkEPI, 18.



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