Distribution of R&D projects in Spain: Preliminary study on knowledge generation call (2023)





Scientific evaluation, Research projects, University, Spain, Open science


This paper analyses and synthesises the 2023 Call for Knowledge Generation Projects in Spain, published on 23 July. With a budget of 655 million euros, this programme is crucial for the funding of R&D&I in the country. Provisional results indicate that 3,155 projects will be funded and 1,169 pre-doctoral contracts will be implemented. Public universities are the main recipients of funding, with the universities of Barcelona, Granada, Complutense de Madrid, Sevilla and Valencia being the main recipients of funding. An attached matrix shows the distribution of project grants by university and by the 54 evaluation committees. In terms of subject areas, biomedicine and environmental sciences received the most funding. A specific analysis of the Communication and Documentation area shows that Malaga University received the most grants. The study suggests that the administration should facilitate access to data in usable formats to promote Open Science, and highlights the need to improve the transparency and accessibility of the call data.


Repiso, Rafael; Barredo-Ibáñez, Daniel; Montero, Julio (2024). Matriz de Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento según universidades españolas y áreas de signación (2023) [Data set]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12806911

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (2024). Propuesta de resolución provisional del procedimiento de concesión de ayudas 2023 a Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento y a actuaciones para la formación de personal investigador predoctoral asociadas a dichos proyectos, en el marco del Programa Estatal para Impulsar la Investigación Científico Técnica y su Transferencia, del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica, Técnica y de Innovación 2021-2023. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. https://www.aei.gob.es/sites/default/files/convocatory_info/file/2024-07/PID2023-PRP-Texto%2BAnexos_fda.pdf



How to Cite

Repiso, R., Barredo-Ibáñez, D., & Montero, J. (2024). Distribution of R&D projects in Spain: Preliminary study on knowledge generation call (2023). Anuario ThinkEPI, 18. https://doi.org/10.3145/thinkepi.2024.e18a17



Comunicación cientí­fica y evaluación de la investigación