Public libraries and social action: trends of a decade (2013-2023)




Social role of libraries, María Moliner Award, Seal of Consejo de Cooperación Bibliotecaria


The social function of libraries encompasses actions aimed both at society as a whole and at specific groups at risk of exclusion. This work is reflected in the projects that libraries submit to the two most recognized professional awards: the María Moliner Awards and the Seal of Consejo de Cooperación Bibliotecaria from 2013 to 2023. The trends observed in these recognitions show that libraries are conceived as intergenerational meeting spaces, where reading is promoted, and access to content is provided with a social approach. Similarly, literacy workshops are organized for specific groups, and psychosocial and emotional support is offered through reading. In addition, libraries address contemporary challenges, such as climate change, and establish themselves as key spaces for community integration, collaborative learning, and citizen participation. In this way, they not only foster reading and access to culture but also strengthen the social fabric, coexistence, and active collaboration among citizens.


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How to Cite

García-Rodríguez, A., & Gómez-Díaz, R. (2024). Public libraries and social action: trends of a decade (2013-2023). Anuario ThinkEPI, 18.



Bibliotecas y servicios de información y documentación