To make a classic, use two. No sense of place by Joshua Meyrowitz, between Goffman and McLuhan
No sense of place, by Joshua Meyrowitz, is a classic of communication studies that has never been translated into Spanish. The work combines the thought of Marshall McLuhan with the dramaturgical conception of Erving Goffman, elaborating an original model for the analysis of the influence of the media on social behavior. Almost forty years after its publication, Meyrowitz’s perspective helps us to understand phenomena that are highly topical, such as the crisis of expert knowledge, the loss of leadership in politics or the redefinition of gender roles. This analytical longevity gives legitimacy to the ambition of considering the media as a fundamental variable for the study of society and its transformations.References
Giglioli, Pier-Paolo (1998). “Presentazione”. In: Goffman, Erving, L’ordine dell’interazione. Roma: Armando. ISBN: 978 8871448244
Katz, Elihu; Lazarsfeld, Paul F. (1979). La influencia personal. El individuo en el proceso de comunicación de masas. Barcelona: Editorial Hispano Europea. ISBN: 8425505240
Lindlof, Thomas R. (1996). “No more secrets: A retrospective essay on Joshua Meyrowitz’s no sense of place”. Journal of broadcasting & electronic media, v. 40, n. 4, pp. 589-596.
Meyrowitz, Joshua (1985). No sense of place. The impact of electronic media on social behavior. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0195034740
Meyrowitz, Joshua (2001). “Morphing McLuhan: Medium theory for a new millennium”. In: Flayan, Donna (ed.). Proceedings of the Media Ecology Association, v. 2, pp. 8-22.
Meyrowitz, Joshua (2013). “Nuevas visibilidades: extensiones del aquí y el ahora”. Revista de occidente, n. 386-387, pp. 151-176.
Pireddu, Mario; Serra, Marcello (2014). Mediología. Cultura, tecnología, comunicación. Barcelona: Gedisa. ISBN: 978 8497848756