Another degrees reform: from 4+1 to 3+2 or 3+1+1


  • Maite Comalat El profesional de la información
  • Ernest Abadal



University studies, Education, European higher education area, EHEA, Library and information science, LIS, Spain


The impact of the Spanish government decree RD 43/2015 on Library and Information Sciences studies is analyzed. The implementation of the European higher education area (EHEA) in Spain established the four-year bachelorí­s degree, a minority model in Europe, but very common in the rest of the world. Approval of RD 43/2015 opens the door to a three-year bachelorí­s degree and has been viewed with interest by some universities, especially in Catalonia. For LIS education, we can think in a 3 + 1 model, which includes the current bachelorí­s contents offering two titles (bachelor and master). On the other hand, it would be possible to create a two year masterí­s programs designed to meet the demands of graduates from other disciplines. The main drawback, in addition to fatigue from continuous changes in Spainí­s university education structure, is the need to ensure that the masterí­s first year has the same cost as one degree course.



How to Cite

Comalat, M., & Abadal, E. (2016). Another degrees reform: from 4+1 to 3+2 or 3+1+1. Anuario ThinkEPI, 10, 56–59.



A. Formación y Profesión