Ebook lending: between necessity and lack of interest


  • Fernando Juárez-Urquijo El profesional de la información




Public library, Digital loan, Ebooks, Management


For the first time there is a full-year report (of 2015) of ebook lending from Spanish public libraries, and the outcome does not seem entirely satisfactory. Although it is a short period of time in which to attempt to ascertain the success or failure of ebook lending, data reveals that the service must be improved. The low volume of titles, the lack of a joint catalogue, use of prohibitive DRM, and some other use conditions are even more restrictive than those for traditional print books, and all of this ultimately penalizes the readers´ experience. Librarians are sceptical about the viability of a the current ebook lending model for obvious reasons. These problems are not specific to Spanish public libraries. It is clear to the author that ebook lending is needed, but must follow different rules; the author advocates promoting and improving the visibility of public domain works and abandoning, if only temporarily, other onerous content that hinders other services.



How to Cite

Juárez-Urquijo, F. (2016). Ebook lending: between necessity and lack of interest. Anuario ThinkEPI, 10, 98–102. https://doi.org/10.3145/thinkepi.2016.15



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