A golden opportunity for research libraries


  • Pablo De-Castro El profesional de la información




Open access, OA, Gold open access, Transition, Challenges and opportunities, Research information management, Sources of funding, Predatory publishing, Business models, Publishing models, Scholarly communications


This text explores opportunities for research libraries in the current context of transition to a gold open access model. First, political and organizational considerations are discussed, drawing directly from proposals presented at the recent Berlin 12 Open Access Conference and the unavoidable disagreements in the international open access community about the implementation of this large-scale open access model. Second, we discuss some of the areas where further work is required in order to support the transition to gold open access. Based on the experience implementing the EC/OpenAIRE FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot, three specific areas are described where research libraries need to focus their attention: familiarization with research projects that are being done at their institution, participation in a joint effort to tackle predatory publishing, and intervention in the academic publishing cycle at an earlier stage.



How to Cite

De-Castro, P. (2016). A golden opportunity for research libraries. Anuario ThinkEPI, 10, 228–233. https://doi.org/10.3145/thinkepi.2016.45



E. Comunicación cientí­fica