Journal management: Universal transference merit. Fair and necessary


  • Rafael Repiso El profesional de la información
  • Daniel Torres-Salinas
  • Ignacio Aguaded



Scientific journals, Six-year accreditation, Knowledge transference sexennial, Journals management, Transference, Evaluation, Accreditation, University staff.


The relevance of considering editorial management of scientific journals by academic staff as a "knowledgement transfer" is analyzed in the context of the Spanish six-years accreditation process. This is done from two perspectives: justice and necessity. In the first part it is discussed whether scientific publishing should be considered a knowledge transfer merit, while the second part reflects on the need for recognition from the sector. It is concluded that the management of scientific journals is a transfer merit that satisfies all the requirements to be considered as such in the current call.


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How to Cite

Repiso, R., Torres-Salinas, D., & Aguaded, I. (2019). Journal management: Universal transference merit. Fair and necessary. Anuario ThinkEPI, 13.



E. Comunicación cientí­fica, edición y fuentes de información