FAIR x FAIR. A pragmatic approach to research data management in FAIR mode





Research data, Data repositories, FAIR principles, Consortium of University Services of Catalonia, CSUC, Library support services for research, Open Science, Report.


Abstract: In the last few years research data management has been at the top of the scientific community agenda and, specifically, of the European Commission (EC). In 2017, Consortium of University Services of Catalonia (CSUC) created an area aimed at collaborating with universities to collectively undertake the challenges of Open Science. Different activities are being carried out together related to data management (training, advise to create data management plans and policies for data repositories). Recently, a commission by the vice-rectors for research requested a report on how the infrastructure recommended by the EC should look like to publish research data fulfilling the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). The report, completed last March, includes the opinion of various experts. It is a pragmatic approach to determine the requirements that a data repository should have to go FAIR. Alongside the requirements themselves, the document determines contextual conditions and establishes a set of good practices. The report concludes with three final recommendations: to create a data repository, to develop good practices in data management, and enable training in Open Science and research data management.


CRUE (2019). Compromisos de las universidades ante la Open Science http://www.crue.org/2019.02.20-CompromisosCRUE_OPENSCIENCE.pdf

CSUC (2017). Proposta per establir una polí­tica d´accés obert a les dades de recerca a les Universitats de Catalunya. http://csuc.cat/sites/default/files/docs/1603politiques_rdm-v8.pdf

CSUC (2017). Recomanacions per seleccionar un repositori per al dipí²sit de dades de recerca: Versió 3, Maig 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2072/284974

CSUC (2019). Data management plans: Version 3, June 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/2072/357988

CSUC (2019). FAIR x FAIR. Requisitos factibles, alcanzables e implementables para un repositorio de datos de investigación FAIR. http://hdl.handle.net/2072/356460



How to Cite

Alcalá, M., & Anglada, L. (2019). FAIR x FAIR. A pragmatic approach to research data management in FAIR mode. Anuario ThinkEPI, 13. https://doi.org/10.3145/thinkepi.2019.e13e05



E. Comunicación cientí­fica, edición y fuentes de información