The Ranking of Spanish scientific journals with the Fecyt quality seal: an artificial and obsolete bibliometric construct
Scientific journals, Scholarly journals, Academic journals, Spanish journals, Spain, Journal rankings, Citation counts, Bibliometric indicators, Journal Impact factor, H Index, Quartiles, Visibility, Databases, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, JourAbstract
After referring to the abundant, severe, and accurate criticisms received by the first version of the Ranking de visibilidad e impacto de revistas cientíŒficas espaí’olas de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales con sello de calidad Fecyt (published in September 2019), a review of the changes introduced in the new version (January 2020) is provided. This piece continues to reflect on the flimsy foundations in which this ranking is based, and counters the arguments offered by its authors to defend its suitability. Potential harmful effects of this new ranking on the ecosystem of Spanish scientific journals in the areas of Social Sciences and Humanities are described. Lastly, the text concludes by pointing out that the design approach of this ranking is old and obsolete, as it is based on measuring the impact of containers (journals) instead of the impact of the content itself (articles).
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Sanz-Casado, Elías; De-Filippo, Daniela; Aleixandre-Benavent, Rafael; Coslado-Bernabé, María-Ángeles; Rico-Castro, Pilar (2019b). Ranking de revistas científicas españolas con sello de calidad Fecyt. Madrid: Fecyt, 5 septiembre.
Sanz-Casado, Elías; Melero, Remedios; Aleixandre-Benavent, Rafael; Codina, Lluis; Coslado-Bernabé, María-Ángeles; De-Filippo, Daniela; Giménez-Toledo, Elea; Jiménez, Evaristo; Rico-Castro, Pilar (2020a). Metodología de clasificación de revistas de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales con sello de calidad Fecyt. Madrid: Fecyt, 11 febrero.
Sanz-Casado, Elías; Melero, Remedios; Aleixandre-Benavent, Rafael; Codina, Lluis; Coslado-Bernabé, María-Ángeles; De-Filippo, Daniela; Giménez-Toledo, Elea; Jiménez, Evaristo; Rico-Castro, Pilar (2020b). Ranking de visibilidad e impacto de revistas científicas españolas de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales con sello de calidad Fecyt. Madrid: Fecyt, 11 febrero.
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