Qualis Periódicos from Brazil: new criteria and status of Spanish Communication and Information journals
Qualis Periódicos, Capes, Journal evaluation, Brazil, Information, Communication, Journals, Quality, Evaluation, Assessment.Abstract
The Brazilian system for the evaluation of journals Qualis Perií›dicos and the main changes announced for the new version are presented. The characteristics of the new criteria based on four principles are discussed: unified classification, classification by main areas, Qualis referencia, and bibliometric indicators. The main criticisms and problems of this new version with special emphasis on the characteristics of the area of Communication and Information and its community of researchers, are reviewed. This article analyzes the new provisional values of the Spanish journals of the area and concludes that, similarly to the Brazilian journals, they overall present lower values in the system. Finally, it is discussed the consequences of this overall drop of values for the relations between the Spanish and Brazilian scientific systems.
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