Lifelogging: the phenomenon of personal "black boxes"




Personal information management, Lifelogging, Knowledge management, Quantified self, Ubiquitous computing, Self-tracking, Ambient intelligence, Cloud computing, Personal computing, Risks.


Lifelogging enables people to digitally record aspects of their daily life events in varying amounts of detail, for a variety of purposes. This continuous record can support human memory or can act as a form of surrogate memory. As such, it somehow constitutes a comprehensive «black box» of certain daily activities and therefore can potentially mine knowledge about how we live our lives. Although «total capture» seems unfeasible for the time being, it is possible to generate records that, despite being inevitably partial or fragmented, are very useful in a good number of scenarios in which users can infer knowledge about themselves for their own benefit. However, keeping this personal data on remote hard disks can be risky and should be carefully considered.


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How to Cite

Franganillo, J. (2020). Lifelogging: the phenomenon of personal "black boxes". Anuario ThinkEPI, 14.



F. Tecnologí­as de información: normativa y gestión de información