Bibframe y la liebre de marzo
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Catalogación, Bibframe, MARC21, RDA, Modelos de datos bibliográficosResumen
Se describe el estado de implantación de Bibframe en 2023 a partir de la evolución de sus principales aspectos, la catalogación y la búsqueda y recuperación de información en la web. Se hace referencia a las cuestiones derivadas de la correlación de Bibframe con RDA; al desarrollo de perfiles, extensiones y variantes del modelo y su influencia en el intercambio de descripciones Bibframe/RDF; al estado de los editores Bibframe para una catalogación basada en entidades; y se repasan las aportaciones tecnológicas de los sistemas de gestión bibliotecaria, comerciales o abiertos, para adaptarse a Bibframe. Se analiza el diseño y desarrollo de interfaces web de búsqueda y localización de datos bibliográficos basados en Bibframe; y, por último, se esbozan algunas soluciones para que los datos bibliográficos estén disponibles para su uso en la web general, más allá de la comunidad bibliotecaria, como datos abiertos vinculados.Descargas
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Andersson, Andreas (2023). “Clustering, extracting and linking bibliographical work entities”. In: Bibframe Workshop in Europe 2023.
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Frosterus, Matias (2023). “Adapting the Bibframe data model to our needs: challenges encountered, and lessons learned”. In: Bibframe Workshop in Europe 2023.
Godby, Jean; Smith-Yoshimura, Karen; Washburn, Bruce; Knudson Davis, Kalan; Detling, Karen; Fernsebner Eslao, Christine; Folsom, Steven; Li, Xiaoli; McGee, Marc; Miller, Karen; Moody, Honor; Thomas, Craig; Tomren, Holly (2019). Creating library linked data with Wikibase: Lessons learned from project passage. Dublin, OH: OCLC Research.
González, Gloria (2023). “Data Unlocked: Empowering Libraries with Rich Connections and Insights in Folio”. In: Bibframe Workshop in Europe 2023.
Graciani-Picardo, Paloma; Lorimer, Nancy (2020). “Developing Bibframe application profiles for a cataloging community”. In: Semantic Web In Libraries Conference 2020.
Han, Myung-Ja K.; Lampron, Tricia; Heng, Greta (2023). “Considerations of designing a user friendly BIBFRAME (Linked Data) editor: Challenges and future of information organization professionals”. In: Bibframe Workshop in Europe 2023, September 19.
Hahn, Jim; Camden, Beth; Ahnberg, Katherine (2022). “A Comparative Evaluation of Linked Data Discovery in the Share-VDE 2.0 Catalog”. In: ALA Annual Conference 2022.
Hahn, Jim; Possemato, Tiziana (2023). Share-VDE ontology: a BIBFRAME extension for linked data discovery.
Kari, Serafia (2023). “Testing the usability of Share-VDE search portal”. In: Bibframe Workshop in Europe 2023.
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McCallum, Sally (2018). “Converting and reconciling”. In: European Bibframe Workshop. Florence, Italy, September.
McCallum, Sally (2022). “Non-Latin Scripts in MARC and Bibframe”. In: 2022 CEAL Cataloging Workshop, March 18.
McCallum, Sally (2023). “Library of Congress update”. In: Bibframe Workshop in Europe 2023.
McCallum, Sally H.; Williamschen, Jodi (2018). “Aspects of Bibframe development. Library of Congress Pilot 2, catalogers, editors, maintenance, extensions, bookkeeping”. In: European Bibframe Workshop 2018.
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Ohren, Oddrun; Hahn, Jim; Possemato, Tiziana (2023). Development of the Share-VDE ontology: goals, principles, and process.
Park, Jung-Ran; Brenza, Andrew; Richards, Lori (2020). “Bibframe linked data: A conceptual study on the prevailing content standards and data model”. Linked open data - Applications, trends and future developments. IntechOpen.
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PCC Task Group to Test the Official RDA Toolkit (2023). Program for Cooperative Cataloging. Test of the Official RDA Toolkit. Final Report. October 10.
Pretty, Heather; Bigelow, Ian; Brenndorfer, Thomas; Chan, May; Dippie, Shona; Dunnett, Andrew; Fortier, Alexandre; L’Ecuyer-Coelho, Marie-Chantal; Rousseau-Trépanier, Patrick; Scott, Dan; Seeman, Dean; Spéciel, Olivier; Wawrzyniak, Kris (2020). Final Report of the Canadian BIBFRAME Readiness Task Force. Submitted to the Cataloguing and Metadata Standards Committee October 9.
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Wallis, Richard (2018b). “Three Linked Data Choices for Libraries Beyond MARC”. In: European BIBFRAME Workshop.
Wennerlund, Bodil; Berggren, Anna (2019). “Leaving comfort behind: a National Union Catalogue transition to linked data”. In: 85th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, 24-30 August.
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