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Vol. 14 (2020)
Vol. 14 (2020)
Full Issue
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El Anuario ThinkEPI en tiempos de pandemia
Luis Rodríguez-Yunta, Isabel Olea
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Informes especiales
Electronic journal platforms of Spanish universities and the CSIC: Quantitative data on March 1, 2020
Luis Rodríguez-Yunta, Carlos-Miguel Tejada-Artigas
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A. Formación y profesión en información y documentación
A brief statistical tour of public service employment, without leaving home
José-Antonio Moreiro-González
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The Six-Year Transfer Assessment: highlights and low points of a necessary project through an analysis of a sample of rejections in Communication Sciences and a study of the value of journal publishing and agency commissions
Rafael Repiso, Ignacio Aguaded, Antonio Castillo-Esparcia, Julio Montero
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B. Bibliotecas: políticas y servicios bibliotecarios
Libraries and the Pygmalion effect: the importance of results interpretation and other methodological issues based on a critique of the 2019 Spanish report on reading Barómetro de hábitos de lectura y compra de libros en España
Pedro Lázaro-Rodríguez
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Retrofuturism in the time of Covid-19: how the catastrophic predictions of the past help us in the present
José-Pablo Gallo-León
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Twenty ways to embed libraries into online learning
Natalia Arroyo-Vázquez, José-Antonio Gómez-Hernández
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COBib-Públicas: an observatory of public libraries in Spain during the Covid-19 pandemic based on digital news
Pedro Lázaro-Rodríguez
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The Prospectiva 2020 project: taking stock
José-Pablo Gallo-León
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C. Promoción de la lectura, edición digital e industrial culturales
J. K. Rowling, Covid-19 and the world of publishing
José-Antonio Cordón-García, María Muñoz-Rico
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Read, play, learn and communicate in a safe environment: security, privacy and confidentiality in children´s applications
Raquel Gómez-García, Araceli García-Rodríguez
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Life in cartoons: the potential of comics in higher education
Sandra Sánchez-García
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D. Comunicación social y medios de comunicación
Contributions to the field of information visualization in 2019
Mario Pérez-Montoro
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Covid-19: sources of quantitative information
Josep Cobarsí-Morales
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Communities of practice for the "new normal"
Sandra Sanz-Martos
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A personal content curation system: phases, tools, and examples
Javier Guallar
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Mobile instant messaging services and Covid-19: opportunities and limitations for institutional communication
Andreu Casero-Ripollés
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Content curation in Twitter threads: taxonomy and examples
Javier Guallar, Paula Traver
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E. Comunicación científica, edición y fuentes de información
The Ranking of Spanish scientific journals with the Fecyt quality seal: an artificial and obsolete bibliometric construct
Emilio Delgado-López-Cózar
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Open peer review: Another step towards open science by scientific journals
Ernest Abadal, Lúcia Da-Silveira
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"Transformative" deals with publishers: a controversial step forward in the implementation of Open Access
Pablo De-Castro
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What do transformative agreements transform?
Lluís Anglada, Ángel Borrego, Ernest Abadal
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Qualis Periódicos from Brazil: new criteria and status of Spanish Communication and Information journals
Daniel Martínez-Ávila, Enrique Muriel-Torrado, Edgar Bisset-Álvarez
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Persistent identifiers: orcid iD adoption in Spain
Paloma Marín-Arraiza, Gabriela Mejias
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Fake news and the scientific infodemic during Covid-19: two faces of the same informational crisis?
Alexadre López-Borrull
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F. Tecnologías de información: normativa y gestión de información
Wikipedia, Wikidata and Mix´n´match
Xavier Agenjo-Bullón, Francisca Hernández-Carrascal
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Lifelogging: the phenomenon of personal "black boxes"
Jorge Franganillo
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2018-2019, Bibframe in production
Xavier Agenjo-Bullón, Francisca Hernández-Carrascal
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From mobile-first to data-first:, zero-click searches and the uncertainty about voice assistants
Tomás Saorín, Juan-Antonio Pastor-Sánchez
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Development of information products with JAMstack: from the content management system to the static web
Jesús Tramullas
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Brief history of top-level domains and challenges for information professionals
Enrique Orduña-Malea, Isidro F. Aguillo
Quién es quién
Quién es quién en el Anuario ThinkEPI 2020
-- ThinkEPI
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